Karlie Gusé, a 16-year-old from Mono County, California, was a lively and well-liked high school student. She lived with her father, Zachary Gusé, 43, her stepmother, Melissa Gusé, 34, and her two younger brothers in their new home in Chalfant Valley.
In August, Zachary and Melissa had purchased their dream house — a three-bedroom modular home in Sierra View Estates. The move didn’t bother Karlie, as she was able to continue attending the same school.
On Friday, October 12, 2018, 16-year-old Karlie Gusé attended a small party with her boyfriend. During the gathering, the two reportedly smoked marijuana, which caused Karlie to have an adverse reaction. According to her boyfriend, she began to panic and appeared frightened. “She got scared of the music, she got scared of me,” he recalled.
Other partygoers also noticed Karlie acting unusually and described her behavior as “really scared and paranoid.” Distressed, Karlie called her stepmother, Melissa, to come pick her up. When Melissa arrived, she saw Karlie running down the street. Melissa later described her appearance: “Really pale, like a ghost. Her pupils were really dilated.”
Karlie confessed to Melissa that she was high, admitting it wasn’t her first time. Earlier in the school year, she had been caught attending class under the influence of marijuana. After her parents urged her to quit, Karlie’s grades started to improve.
Her boyfriend mentioned that she hadn’t smoked “for a while” before the party.

Melissa stated that they arrived home around 9 PM, and Karlie went straight to bed after eating a plate of dinner. Melissa said she checked on Karlie and the other children around 5:45 AM and found them all asleep in their beds.
However, when she checked again between 7:15 and 7:30 AM, Karlie was gone.
Karlie’s cellphone and other personal belongings were still in her bedroom. After searching the house, Melissa and Zachary began looking for Karlie outside their property. Initially, they believed she might have gone for a walk without informing anyone and hesitated to involve the police.
After two hours of searching without success, they decided to report Karlie as missing around 9:30 AM. Zachary also contacted Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsay Fairley, to inform her of the situation.
Investigators questioned neighbors in the area to see if anyone had spotted Karlie that morning. Several witnesses reported seeing her between 7 and 7:30 AM, walking toward Highway 6, less than a mile from the Gusés’ home. While none commented on her condition, one witness noted that Karlie appeared to be “looking up, looking around at the sky.”

Authorities launched an extensive search for Karlie, utilizing helicopters, scent dogs, and Search and Rescue teams to comb through the surrounding neighborhoods. They also conducted interviews with friends and family and investigated Karlie’s digital footprint. Despite their efforts, no substantial leads emerged.
While Melissa has reportedly been cooperative and active in the investigation, authorities have noted inconsistencies in her account. She has provided two different versions of her final hours with Karlie, raising questions about the timeline of events.
Initially, Melissa stated that she checked on the children at 5:45 AM and saw them all asleep. She then went back to bed and woke up between 7:15 and 7:30 AM. When she went to check on Karlie, she discovered she was missing.
Melissa described the moment she told Zachary: “I went back into our bedroom and said, ‘Honey, she’s not here.’ And he said, ‘What do you mean she’s not here?’ I replied, ‘She’s gone. She’s not in her room. She’s not outside. She’s not in the backyard. She’s not anywhere.’”
In another version of events, Melissa claimed she stayed by Karlie’s side throughout the night due to her condition. She said she slept in Karlie’s bed and woke up at 5:45 AM to find Karlie still asleep beside her.
Melissa stated that she remained in Karlie’s bed and fell back asleep. However, when she woke up again between 7:15 and 7:30 AM, Karlie was gone.
Melissa now claims that the second version of events is the accurate one. In a recent interview with Dr. Phil, she addressed the inconsistencies in her story. When questioned by Dr. Phil, Melissa admitted, “Yeah, that was a false story. Because I wasn’t—it was a lie about checking in on Karlie. Because it was in the beginning, and I didn’t know what to say and—I shouldn’t have even done the interview.”

In another interview, this time with Nancy Grace, Melissa claimed that Karlie had been wearing skinny jeans the night she disappeared. She also provided this description to authorities. However, witnesses reported that Karlie was actually wearing sweatpants.
When asked about the discrepancy, Melissa explained, “I only said that because she always wears her skinny jeans. So I just assumed she had her skinny jeans on.”
There is no evidence of foul play in Karlie’s case, and no signs of forced entry were found. The front door was slightly ajar, suggesting that Karlie left on her own.
The night Karlie returned home from the party, Melissa made an audio recording of her, intending to use it later as a teaching moment about substance abuse. Although the recording has not been released to the public, Dr. Phil confirmed that Karlie is heard asking Melissa to call 911 if something bad were to happen to her. Karlie also expressed feeling scared and unwell.
One article transcribed portions of the eight-minute audio, providing further insight into Karlie’s distress that night.
Karlie: “I really messed up today.”
Melissa: “We all do things in life that we regret, drugs especially.”
Karlie: “I love you.”
(When Melissa gives Karlie a salad)
Karlie: “This is the devil’s lettuce!”
(As Melissa urges Karlie to go to sleep)
Karlie: “No, I don’t want to go to sleep. You’re going to kill me.”
Melissa: “Why would I kill you? That’s preposterous.”
Karlie (sobbing): “I’m just thinking all this demonic stuff. I can’t help it.”
The audio paints a picture of Karlie’s heightened paranoia and distress. It’s possible the marijuana she consumed was laced, or that she unknowingly ingested a substance more potent than marijuana.
Early in the investigation, Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsay, urged the public not to speculate about a potential abduction, fearing it could interfere with the investigation. However, Melissa posted a video on social media strongly suggesting that Karlie had been abducted. The video has since been removed.
Lindsay believes Karlie may have suffered a drug overdose and suspects that Melissa and Zachary are withholding the full truth. In response, Melissa and Zachary insist they are being honest, claiming Lindsay is “just mad because she wasn’t a part of it.”
Melissa and Zachary maintain that Karlie likely met with foul play after leaving their home. Melissa said, “Just the thought of her going to the highway, it makes me feel like somebody just happened to be driving by and grabbed her.”
While the family doesn’t believe Karlie would run away, they acknowledge it as a possibility. Zachary noted that, considering her recent struggles, it’s possible she decided to leave.
“Maybe there are things she kept from us. Who knows?” he said, reflecting on the uncertainty surrounding her disappearance.
Six months after her disappearance, Karlie Gusé remains missing. Despite extensive efforts by law enforcement and her family, her whereabouts are still unknown.
Dr. Phil: Mom of Karlie Gusé Claims the Missing Teen’s Dad and Stepmother ‘Refused To Call For Help’
Key Takeaways:
- Lindsay’s Accusations: Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsay, suspects Zachary and Melissa of withholding information about Karlie’s disappearance. She questions why they didn’t call 911 when Karlie expressed concern for her health, as heard on Melissa’s audiotape. According to Lindsay, Zachary dismissed the idea, saying, “We didn’t call 911 because it’s just pot, Lindsay.”
- Suspicious Behavior: Lindsay claims that Melissa had a map on her wall marking areas law enforcement had already searched. She recalls Melissa allegedly saying, “They’re [law enforcement] going in the wrong direction.” Lindsay believes their behavior is suspicious and suggests Karlie could be “in the middle of nowhere, and they’re just holding her out there.”
- Melissa and Zachary’s Reactions: When asked about Lindsay’s allegations, Zachary laughed them off, while Melissa dismissed them as “not worth my time.” Despite her outward dismissal, Melissa expressed her deep hurt from being wrongly accused. Through tears, she said, “Why? Because I’m her stepmom? Because I didn’t give birth to her? We’re working together. We gave them [the FBI] everything.”
Dr. Phil: What Audio Of Teenager Recorded In The Hours Before Her Disappearance Could Reveal
Key Takeaways:
- Speculation About Laced Marijuana: Dr. Phil strongly suggests that the marijuana Karlie consumed was laced, noting her extreme paranoia as a significant indicator. He emphasizes the importance of finding out where the substance came from.
- Paranoia and Flight: Dr. Phil believes Karlie’s heightened paranoia could explain why she fled. He speculates that, in her distressed state, it’s possible she was “picked up” while trying to escape.
- Possible Abduction Scenario: While acknowledging the possibility of an abduction, Dr. Phil points out that young women abducted along that highway are typically not taken to be killed. He theorizes that, if Karlie was abducted, she is likely still alive but may have been forced into the sex trade.
Dr. Phil: Stepmom Of Missing Teen Claims She Was Acting ‘Very Strange’ In The Hours Before She Vanished
Key Takeaways:
- Runaway Theory Rejected: Zachary states that Karlie’s disappearance is being investigated as a runaway case, but he disagrees with this conclusion. “She would have contacted us already,” he says, expressing his belief that something more serious happened. This contradicts his earlier openness to the runaway possibility, suggesting he may have since reconsidered.
- Karlie’s Behavior That Night: Melissa revealed that Karlie lied to her earlier that day, claiming she was going to a football game instead of a party. At 3 AM, Zachary noticed the lights in Karlie’s room were still on and saw that Melissa was with her. Karlie remained “wide awake,” which Zachary attributed to the effects of the drugs she had taken.
- Shift in Co-Parenting Dynamic: Initially, Zachary and Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsay, communicated frequently and supported one another in the aftermath of Karlie’s disappearance. However, Zachary says this changed when Lindsay began accusing him and Melissa of being involved or withholding information.
Dr. Phil: Dad and Stepmom of Missing Teen Explain Why They Didn’t Share Recording
Key Takeaways:
- The Recording and Its Creation: Melissa secretly recorded audio of Karlie using her cellphone, keeping it in her pocket so Karlie wouldn’t know. She explained that this was done to capture Karlie’s behavior for future reflection.
- Sharing the Recording: Melissa claims she shared the recording with Karlie’s biological mother, Lindsay, but Lindsay initially didn’t want to listen to the entire recording. Later, Lindsay reportedly accessed it through a private investigator and publicly criticized Melissa on social media for not calling 911, alleging Karlie had “begged” for help.
- Melissa’s Defense: Melissa refutes Lindsay’s claim, clarifying that the recording captures Karlie asking, “If something were to happen to me, would you call 911?” to which Melissa responded, “Absolutely, if something were to happen.” She insists that Karlie did not explicitly beg her to call 911 at the time.
- Why the Recording Wasn’t Made Public: Melissa and Zachary state that the recording hasn’t been shared publicly due to the ongoing investigation. Melissa argues that the tape is ultimately irrelevant, stating, “It’s not going to solve the mystery of where she is.”
Dr. Phil: What Karlie’s Mother Says About The Day She Learned Her Daughter Went Missing
Key Takeaways:
- Lindsay’s Reaction to Zachary’s Call: Lindsay recalls Zachary calling her and saying, “Karlie is gone.” She emphasizes how the word “gone” stood out to her. “You don’t mess with ‘gone.’ They’re either ‘gone’ for good, or, you know. It just didn’t sit right.” Dr. Phil highlights this distinction, clarifying, “He didn’t say she’s missing; he said she’s gone,” to which Lindsay confirms, “Yes.”
- Zachary’s State the Night Before: Lindsay claims that Zachary was drinking and intoxicated the night before Karlie disappeared. She also states that he admitted to being “kind of in-and-out of sleeping.” Dr. Phil counters this claim, saying, “Being drunk on a Friday night and being involved in the disappearance of your daughter are two vastly different things.”
- Bizarre Use of the Audio Recording: Lindsay says the audio recording made by Melissa struck her as “bizarre” and disagrees with using it to teach Karlie a life lesson. Lindsay claims that Karlie called out for her specifically and even said her name.
- Discrepancies Over 911 Comments: Lindsay alleges that when Karlie asked Melissa to call 911, Melissa initially said yes but paused, prompting Karlie to ask, “So are you going to call?” Lindsay claims Melissa responded, “No, because there’s nothing wrong.”
- Melissa and Zachary’s Visible Reactions: While Lindsay recounts these details, a screen shows Melissa and Zachary shaking their heads, indicating they believe Lindsay’s version is either untrue or misinterpreted.